Wait For It!

Did you know that it takes five hours to distill one gallon of water?  To obtain a gallon of pure water we have to wait for five hours, and that is using an electric distiller. But the pure, “hungry” water is really worth the wait!  This same principle applies to becoming healthy and well.  I have heard people make comments like ” I tried those herbs, but they did not work!”  When asked how long they “tried” them the response was anywhere from two days to two weeks.  That explained a lot to me.

When you get a minute (and for some that is becoming increasingly more difficult these days) stop and think about how conditioned you have become to instant gratification in almost every area of your life.  Everything from microwave popcorn, to teeth whitening in fifteen minutes! And of course, those same expectations are transferred to your health and pain relief.  So much so that you are willing to sacrifice your health to immediacy, shell out numerous dollars to pharmaceutical companies and doctors so you can feel better right NOW!!!  How is that working out for you?

What we fail to consider in that many of the current health conditions including migraines, arthritis,  digestive issues etc. are caused by lifestyle choices and diet.  Conditioning that has taken place over years and years sometimes lifetimes!  Our bodies are designed to diagnose and heal themselves in the most miraculous ways if they are well-maintained and nourished properly. It doesn’t seem like such a difficult task to put into our bodies what is needed for it to regulate, repair and strengthen itself, but  sadly, in this day and age, it takes a concerted effort and daily choices.  WE are conditioned to put into our bodies what the television dictates is “yummy” “healthy” “easy” and “cheap”. WE are programmed to believe we need to eat meat, chicken and cheese and give our kids lots of milk!  Do you realize we are the only species that drinks milk after we are weaned?

Our body can quite efficiently heal itself and sustain longevity if we are willing to give it what it needs and then wait for it!  A diet consisting of foods that DO NOT create mucous in our bodies such as whole grains, fruits, nuts and seeds, is optimal for cleaning out the existing mucus and toxins.  A three-day cleanse is a great way to begin.  You will be amazed at how much better you feel just detoxing and eating live foods. If you have focused ailments, and want to target them choose herbs that are in their whole state to give your body additional tools with with to work. This is a good idea for everyone in the family, not just adults.  As an educator, I am all too familiar with the contents of school/ institutional food and to be honest, I would not feed that stuff to my DOG, much less my children.  Eating well, does not have to be expensive, it just takes an effort and awareness, that I believe is lacking in the general population today.  In fact if you scale your diet down to live foods and avoid meat and fast food, not only will your body require fewer calories because your intake will be much more nutrient dense, but , you will also take a big chunk out of your grocery budget and feel much better in the long run.

My advice to those of you who are suffering from chronic pain, headaches, arthritis, obesity etc. is to clean out your body well.  Give it the right tools to work with and then WAIT FOR IT!!! Your body will restore itself to its original design.

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