3 Steps to a Healthy Body

I hear a lot of people say they don’t have time to do all that “healthy stuff”, or “I don’t have the money to eat healthy” (my personal favorite).  The problem with statements such as these, is those same people will not have the “time” or “money” to spend in doctor’s offices, hospitals and time off their jobs either.  One way or another everyone will reap what they sow when it comes to diet and health.  Some are luckier than others and manage to stave off disease a little longer, but ultimately, it will catch up with them.   I am not trying to be the bearer of bad news here, just stating a fact.  There are three basic steps one can take that will move you in the direction of health and wellness and not derail your current life (too much).  What happens after you get on the right track is entirely up to you.  It is possible to live a life free of disease and addiction to OTC drugs, caffeine, nutrient FREE processed foods, salt, sugar and more.  All it takes is a decision and commitment on your part. Everything else has been provided for you by the Creator of the Universe.  Notice, I did not say the pharmaceutical companies, corporate monopolies, or petroleum companies.  

The first step to a healthy body is simple.  Eat living food.  Live foods, that grow in the ground, absorb the energy of the sun and the soil and provide us with the nutrients on which our bodies thrive. We are the only species that still drinks milk after we are weaned.  Why is that? Because we are told that it is the “best” source of calcium, protein etc.  This is not a true statement.  Plant proteins are much more complete and are absorbed by our bodies in totality, where animal products are not.  They remain in our systems, and putrefy. They create mucous and disease. Not only that, they are filled with chemicals, steroids, hormones, and other toxic contaminants. But, they are BIG business. When a body is clean and running on clean foods, it will not stink when it perspires, it will not have foul breath, and will have regular and frequent bowel movements.  It will not suffer from headaches, allergies, or gastric problems and best of all the PH in this body will be such that disease such as cancer and heart disease will not be able to live. A good goal is to try to eat 80 percent of your daily food intake in the way of living foods, fresh fruits, vegetables,  sprouted grains, nuts and seeds.  Avoid processed foods at all costs, which includes sugars and artificial sweeteners.

Step two: Drink pure water.  This is an incredibly difficult thing to do depending upon where you live.  I am fortunate to live in an area where spring water is free to the public from natural hot springs and I can fill up my bottles whenever I need to.  But even then, the minerals in this water are not the type of minerals our bodies are designed to assimilate or even need.  WE are not rocks… therefore, I still run all my water through a distiller.  These are inexpensive and can be purchased on Amazon or Ebay. for under a $100.00 usually. The American water supply is chemically polluted, especially in heavily populated areas. WE absorb up to 75 percent more through our skin (the largest organ) and therefore just taking showers in chlorinated city water is enough intake for most.  We need to drink “hungry” water.  Water that absorbs toxins and flushes them from our bodies. 

Step 3: Learn to love cayenne pepper and apple cider vinegar.  Cayenne pepper is one of the best overall herbs a person can eat.  It will nourish and strengthen heart function, thin the blood, regulate blood pressure, stop bleeding if you cut yourself, stop a nosebleed, unblock sinuses, assist in pregnancy and delivery, and much more.  It is a diaphoretic herb which creates heat in your body.  It will cause you to sweat out toxins when you are ill.  It will heal a bleeding ulcer, remedy a headache and help stabilize all body functions.  Apple cider vinegar will alkalize your system,  ward off allergies, and create an environment in your body in which disease can not thrive. Be sure to buy the type that is NOT pasteurized and still has the “mother” in the bottle. Take a tablespoon in a cup of warm water with a touch of honey or REAL maple syrup two or three times a day. Braggs is a good brand but there are others.  Neither one of these items are expensive.  

None of the items I have discussed take a lot of time or money to include into your daily routine, and could quite possible put you on the path to finding your ideal weight, ridding yourself of diabetes, heart trouble, blood pressure and cholesterol issues and any number of other American plagues.  Be bold, and abandon the “American diet” for one that will bring your body into balance, and allow you to enjoy the life you are designed to live.

I take apple cider vinegar every day. I find it cuts down on ‘bloat’. How do you recommend we use the cayenne pepper in our daily meals/activities?

I use cayenne in most of my recipes when cooking, I eat a lot of legumes and I find it is really good there. I also make a lemonade with 2 Tbls of fresh lemon juice, 2 Tbls maple syrup, and 1/10 of a tsp of cayenne in about 10 ounces of water and it is delicious and satisfying. (In fact, Im convinced you can live on the stuff). But when all else fails, take it in capsule form. I would take 2-3 two times a day. A trusted a source would be Dr. Christopher’s cayenne pepper, and the NOW brand makes a good one as well. Cayenne pepper will change the way you feel inside and out! Remember it is diaphoretic, so if you feel a little "sweaty" at times, just bless the pepper. 🙂 Always try to buy organic.
Thank you for your comments… I love to hear from you.

I agree that it doesn’t take much to be healthy. It’s more of how people focus on their mindset that they need this and they’ll be the only ones to benefit from it.

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